I've gotten really sick of seeing my writing seemingly uncontrollably barfing out onto these pages with every excruciating detail of my life, and I'm sure you have too. So, I am going to make bullet points instead, of all of the important things I have done since spring break (it's already been about 3 weeks):
- I've been roller skating (twice) at the Bath Pavillion. The first time I totally herped and derped, but I only fell twice! The second time I only herped, and by the end I was feeling pretty confident! It was so much fun. I had forgotten how much fun can be had doing something so simple as putting on a pair of shoes with wheels and running around in them for a couple hours.
- At the Porter last week, Sarah and I stumbled upon a random Ska concert that was actually decent! It was the greatest surprise I've had in a long time. The band was just setting up when Sarah and I had wandered downstairs, and here was my train of thought: "Is that a saxophone? No...too good to be true...wait...that is definitely a trumpet...OHMYGOD IT IS AN UNDERGROUND BRITISH SKA BAND! They were pretty awesome, if only for the complete wonderful randomness of stumbling upon them like we did.
- My house (the best house) hosted a Murder Mystery Dinner Party, which was, I have to say, a complete success. Never have I laughed so much while accusing a person of murder. The boy playing the medium was one of our favorites, because he would stop conversations, put his hands to his head, and get messages from the dead, keeping a completely straight face, and using hilarious voices. We're planning another one, this time for 19 people because so many people want in. I was a British Shakespearean actress last time, this time I'm going to be a vagrant. Exciting, huh?
- We went on a gorgeous 7-mile hike along the Dorset coast. Challenging, but absolutely worth it, and the views were amazing. We sang Disney songs as we hiked. My people are the best people. On the way back, we stopped at Corfe Castle, which was absolutely amazing, and we sensibly ignored the rules and climbed the heck out of those ruins.
- Kaylee turned 21, so we celebrated by baking brie and eating it with baguettes while watching A Knight's Tale and mooning over Heath Ledger. All in all, a good time. Then on Tuesday we went to Cheese Night at Moles to celebrate in true 21st birthday style. That was also fun.
- I went to the Well's farmer's market with Hilary. I absolutely love farmer's markets. I bought everything. It was crazy. Total haul: 1 loaf of bread, 1 scone, 1 eclair (for Laura), 1 bottle of apple juice, 1 box of raspberries, 1 jar of rhubarb & ginger jam, and 3 grapefruits. Yeah. I think that's it. Oh. And some cheese.
- I went to a Bath Rugby game! We beat the London Wasps 17-12 or something like that. It was so much fun! I felt like such a local, cheering on my team with a pint of cider in one hand and half a smuggled-in sandwich in the other.
- I went to London for the day to see Patty, Eric, and Abby, my cousins, who were in London, and for once I let someone else think for me. We wandered around Harrods, and went to the Victoria and Albert Museum. The best part is? I didn't have to plan a thing. (Except the train tickets)
- I went back to Glastonbury so that I could climb up to the Tor. Definitely worth it, very cool.
- It seems I have friends at my internship! And with only one week left. Want proof? Check out Herman, my friendship cake. Similar to sourdough bread, he requires a starter aka you need a friend to pass one on to you. He sits on my kitchen counter for 10 days and I periodically "feed him" and stir him. On the tenth day, I cut him into four pieces, give two away, keep one, and bake one! My co-worker Felicity gave me one of hers. Strange as the gesture may seem, it really did make me feel like I was part of their office community. Next week is my last week, so I'll be finagling for some free swag (aka pop-up maps).
Have some pictures!
He's little now, but just you wait |
Corfe! It's the castliest! |
A fond farewell |
Amazing Dorset coastline, students too exhausted to notice |
So that has been my life. Pretty awesome, I would say. Also, a pretty successful and concise summary. So that's good. Hopefully this will be more entertaining than long-winded accounts of spring break trips.
You are turning British. Just stay in England :) I saw a commercial for the 2012 Olympics. In London. So I thought of you. And friendship cake! Intriguing!