Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Denial, thy name is Hannah

Hi fellas,

As I wrap up my time in Bath, I am desperately scrabbling to check things off of my list, and I thought I would share with you some of the things I have managed to get done.

Last Sunday a couple friends and I finally went on the Skyline Walk, which is a 6-mile hike around Bath, keeping the skyline in view almost the whole time. We brought a picnic, and had a very lovely time. At one point we found ourselves at one of Bath's silliest landmarks, Sham Castle.
View from the front

View from the back

The story goes that when Bath was at its height in the Georgian period, a wealthy man wanted to improve the view from his estate, so he built himself this 'folly.'

There were also a lot of cows. All up in our faces. Except when we tried to touch them. Then they ran away. Cows are adorable.

After the Skyline Walk we found out about this cider festival going on in a pub called the Bell Inn. We ran over and tried a bunch of different kinds of cider and we got to use an old-fashioned apple press to make fresh apple juice! I felt just like a pioneer. That's how the pioneers felt, right?

Anne Hathaway's rather large cottage
On Tuesday my entire program went to Stratford-Upon-Avon for three days. We stayed in bed and breakfasts, and I must say waking up to a full English breakfast is something I am completely OK with. We spent our days visiting various Shakespeare related properties and drinking milkshakes and calculating the percentage of boys that were brought to the yard. My favorite property was Anne Hathaway's cottage, with its adorable thatched roof, and gazebo that plays sonnets when you push a button. My favorite milkshake was oreo, and it brought 85%-90% of the boys to the yard.

We say a play each night: Comedy of Errors, Twelfth Night, and Richard III. Comedy of Errors received a very mixed reaction from the group, as did Twelfth Night. They were both done by the same cast, as part of a special presentation of Shakespeare's three 'shipwreck plays.' The third of this arbitrary category was the Tempest which we did not see.  My favorite play was Richard III, which I had never seen or read before, but now absolutely love. Fun fact: Richard III is the 2nd longest role in Shakespeare. Hamlet is the longest role, as well as the longest play. I have to say that I have more opinions and knowledge about various Shakespeare plays at this moment than I ever have before and probably ever will again. Certainly more than I need.

On the way back from Stratford we went to Kenilworth Castle, which was really cool. It was the perfect balance of ruin and castle, so there was plenty to wander around and climb on, but it still felt like a centuries-old ruin.

The day after we got back, I had my very last study trip. We went to Montacute house, one of the best remaining examples of Tudor architecture. It was a lovely day, and the house and the gardens were beautiful. I found a swing in the middle of a peaceful lawn, and sat on it for about ten minutes watching the tourists pass me by, eating my packed lunch.
It didn't hurt that ASE bought us tea and scones either. 

Saturday, just a few days ago was my last trip to the organic garden. I left them with my email address and my thanks. I could not think of a more welcoming and wonderful group of people, and I am so glad that I got up the courage to go that first time.

Also on Saturday I also went to my last Bath farmer's market, and the man who sells the delicious pies and tarts made me this: 

Because some people are just the best people. I will never forget you pie guy!


  1. Awww Hannah, can't believe you're coming back already! What a great story about the pie...

    also, Oreo sounds like an unusually successful milkshake! We'll have to remember that in future! :P

  2. Your milkshake always bring the boys to the yard. Is your life real? I think you're making this all up. We must have story time when you get back.
