Monday, February 20, 2012


FAIRY GODPARENTS! ( I wanted this to be the title, but apparently you can't link things in the title, but I want all of you to know that this is what I was thinking of when I titled this blog post)

Since my last update, I have had many fine adventures.
Laura and I went to volunteer and the Bath Organic Garden. It was very fun, everyone was so welcoming. It was spring cleaning basically, which meant all of the 'thorny bits' that were being cleared out to make way for the next season had to be burnt. So we spent the whole time feeding sticks to a fire, and went home pyromaniac-ly satisfied and smelling like wood smoke. Of course in between the burning things there was a tea break. What kind of people do you think we are at the Bath Organic Garden? Not savages, who light things on fire without tea and fruit cake, certainly not!

I took a picture! :D
Yesterday, Laura, Maddi and I went to Wells and then Glastonbury. Wells is a very nice little English town, with a MASSIVE cathedral smack in the middle. It is the head location (I don't know what the technical term is...capitol?) of the diocese of Bath and Wells, hence the MASSIVE cathedral to make the Bishop of Bath and Wells feel appropriately important. It was gorgeous though. Not as impressive an interior, I thought, as some of the other cathedrals, but the facade was absolutely breathtaking.

Seriously you guys...
After the cathedral we took the bus to Glastonbury, home of the Tor, the Abbey, fairies, and elderly hippies. Unfortunately, we had a dinner date, so we were on a tight schedule. We were completely blown away by Glastonbury Abbey. I'm sorry St.Augustine, but your abbey really just doesn't hold up in comparison. Literally and figuratively.

We had late lunch at a vegetarian cafe...because hippies+England. After wandering around the crazy magical combination book, crystal and candle shops, we hopped on a bus, then we trampled on another bus, and eventually we arrived safe and sound at home in time for dinner. We plan on making a second trip, because it was so cheap and because we did not get to see everything we wanted to.

Sundays are house dinner days, because we are the best people, and we prefer our own company to the absolute exclusion of anyone else. This is why we had to be home early. Kaylee was making pasta. Delicious pasta. And we had fruit salad and green beans. Mothers of the world, rejoice!

After dinner a few of us adjourned to the living room for some fun with Sally Sparrow. As any expert could tell you, it was very important for Kaylee to see Blink that very night, if she was to continue further in her Dr.Who studies.
Also, this happened:

Farewell, my wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey friends!


  1. Hannah this is an excellent entry in your excellent blog. Looks like you figured out how to add photos. You are a blog-genius.

  2. This was really entertaining. I'm so glad to hear you hopped and trampled on buses. I hope you also see fairies. Because fairies=cool.

    1. I'm glad you were entertained! :) Fairies would be awesome...maybe next time.


  4. BAHHHH I'm soo jealous you're doing so much exploring!!! AND YES Doctor Who is my love... especially David Tennant. Did I mention I met him? hehe
