Monday, February 27, 2012

The worst pies in London

Hi guys! Miss me? I'm sure you do, which is why I am writing this blog post. It has been a whole week since my last post, but unfortunately, I don't have much exciting news.

Aren't we precious?
We took a trip to the Cotswolds last weekend, which was scenic, beautiful and tranquil. Not exciting though. The girls in my house and I got sentimental and took a group picture, so I'm including it for your perusal and inevitable enjoyment.

Oh, pancake day happened! That, ladies and gentlemen, is an ACTUAL BRITISH HOLIDAY. Pancake day, aka Mardi Gras, aka Fat Tuesday, is the day on which British people gorge on crepes (they're pancakes when they're British, but they're really crepes). So in the interest of cultural exploration....we made delicious crepes and ate and ate and nutella and clotted cream and berries and and and yummm. I love pancake day. I am bringing this tradition home you guys.

I booked tickets for my spring break trip to Spain! Okay...get ready for some ridiculousness. Are you ready? I'm warning you ahead of time so that you aren't startled in any potentially dangerous manner.  I am going, with two other girls, from March 31st to April 8th, to Spain. We are spending 3 days in Barcelona and 4 in Madrid, once you take out the days on either side for flying there and back. Waiiit for travel companions, you ask? Just Hannah. And Hannah. Except, I mean that in the literal sense, not in the third person sense, as in: Hannah and Hannah are joining me (Hannah) for a week long adventure in a foreign country. I am the only one with any experience speaking Spanish, which means I will have the pleasure of doing introductions to anyone we meet. "Hola, nos llama Hannah.", oiste correctamente....Soy Hannah, y ella es Hannah, y ella es Hannah. GOOD GRIEF CHARLIE BROWN. I don't think we are going to make many friends.

Really though, I could not be more excited for this trip. It is going to be so much fun! And I am going to get to attempt to speak Spanish! AY YA YAY!

As a last note, I ate a Lovett pie for dinner the other night. If you have seen Sweeney Todd then you are in on this joke. If you haven't...Lovett makes perfectly normal pies with perfectly normal ingredients. Don't worry about it.  Seriously though, there is this stand at the farmer's market that sells Lovett pies! And it was really good! I got the vegetarian one...I hope.


  1. TOO MANY HANNAHS. You all need to adopt different nicknames. also, I can't wait to hear about the ridiculousness of your trip to Spain.

  2. oh spring break! that's so exciting. I just got back from there yesterday actually so let me know if you want any advice :]

  3. Whoa Spring Break! In Spain. With 3 Hannahs? That's worse than a Hannah, an Anna, and an Annie. Way worse. But sweet stuff. And we are SO having pancake day, at least once a month.
